Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Technology and Pornography

What is it with Technology and pornography? I feel like between the books we read and the discussions we have in class we oddly always either end up talking about some way that robots will rule the world or some sick perverted sex scene that some so called brilliant human has thought up in his moms basement. Don’t get me wrong, I am very entertained by these conversations and they are quite elaborate and mind blowing however I just think it is a little strange that these concepts and theory’s come from ‘technologically’ advanced people, people who rarely see the light of day, so driven to perfect there WOW playing skills or figure out how to create robots so complex with memory so great that they will eventually exceed the knowledge of all of man kind. It just seems weird to me how these sorts of people are also so sexually active and corrupt. I don’t know maybe these home bound computer types get so into internet porn (the weird stuff that normal humans perform sexually) that this stuff all of the sudden seems dull to them. Maybe these people have developed a tolerance to fucked up angry painful delirious sex acts and need more. But wait have they ever had anything to begin with or did it all come from there own hand? have they ever had even a slight actual sexual experience? I’m not trying to hate on our Nanotext class or these types in general, I’m, sure it differs depending on how bad that individual is caught up in his basement computer lab, playing WOW or whatever else it is they do in there dim lighted work spaces. Whoever is reading this don’t get mad I am simply asking a sincere and legitimate question. What is the connection between technology and Pornography?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This has been a weird week for me and for some reason I keep on thinking about our placement into this world and how different our life’s would be if we were simply born into another town or went to a different high school or college, Even if you just lived in a slightly different area of town. What would have been different and would it of been for better or for worse? I guess what it comes down to is that you should always be grateful for what you have received through the path that you have chosen because, through some other path this world could just as easily been turned upside down for you.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Top Ten Searches

Molly Bee Sirius bankruptcy Sam Shepard Ford's Theatre Patrick Swayze Satellite collision Princess Amira al-Tawee, Meg Whitman Amber Alert Suleman Family Web site.




ATHF... It is incredible that such a small guesture as a little LED cartoon man in major intersections can purpose such mixed signals that people thought there was a terrorist attack in progress. Its crazy that difforent places throught the united states reacted such difforent ways, most citys just played it off like no big deal however boston viewed this situation as a bomb threat blowing this way out of proportion. And i think that the creaters of this ordeal are brilliant to talk about 70's haircuts in there press confrence! sooo funny, i cant believe that all this is true and really happend, loved this in class!

Monday, February 9, 2009

What Could Have Been

Why do people today make the choices they do? I believe humans choose how to live, behave, and act based on multiple things; whether it's their heart, genes, strong feelings/emotions, impressions, or information that they have obtained. With these core attributes and experiences people can make logical and rewarding decisions, at least to the best of their knowledge. The pathways that people choose, while may seem to be the best possible way at the time, could later lead them into an unsatisfactory lifestyle, catapulting them over possibly beneficial, life-altering experiences. It would be extremely advantageous if humans could somehow know which paths lead to which end points. This is how the fourth dimension is described to be. Throughout my life, I have made many mistakes (just like everyone else), but if I could somehow tap into the fourth dimension, I could see the future and choose exactly which path I would like to take. If only this was a reality.

I have recently been in a situation where time and knowledge played a huge role in its outcome. Now in this world and with the laws that govern it, this situation - being out of my control - did not turn out as I would have preferred. However, if I was rolling in the fourth dimension, the problem would have transpired differently - and in my favor - because I would not only possess my six senses, but a seventh sense, a sense unlike any other possessed by humans in this dimension. I would be able to twist and bend time. I would have the ultimate understanding of life and all its complexities. I would know exactly what to do at anytime to live the best life possible. This gift of foresight, which transcends 3-dimensional understanding of the universe, would completely negate the question of what could have been.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

tech response

i think technology can be good, its just when technology overpowers us and starts to make us lazy is when it is too much. the technology within wakeboarding and snowboarding provide ways of getting people active and allow them to benifiet from what nature has provided us with.